Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Looking at the advertisements for Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, you get the idea that you are in for great fun. I can't really dispute that this movie had some fun scenes, but overall, it lacked more than it delivered.

This looked like a fun movie to take my nine-year-old son to, and I believe he probably really enjoyed it. I took a much more objective view toward this movie. The movie is about a magical toy store where the toys seem to come to life. The story is alive and is an extension of the title character. The title character is dying, and with him the store. He wants to leave the store to his young benefactor, but there are issues that must be resolved. In the meantime, the store dies and must be brought back to life. Can they do it? Watch and see.

Let me start with the pro's...Mogorium delivered a story using color as a major story line. The wardrobe uses color to show changes in character attitudes, and the set itself loses color almost entirely at one point. The use of color in combination with black and white creates some interesting effects, and it is very artistically done. Sometimes subtle, sometimes too obvious to miss.

Read More About Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

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